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What services does the DEXLab offer? 

DEXLab is a research and development lab that focuses on digital technologies for educational and research purposes.


It provides specialised workshops on business digital tools, immersive Virtual Reality training for skills such as presentations and interviews, and custom digital breakout sessions for academic courses.


In addition, advanced digital tools and lab space are available for research and business support. DEXLab's mission is to help individuals navigate the digital landscape, enrich their academic initiatives, and drive innovative technology research.



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Can I also book the DEXLab’s equipment?

Yes, staff can book equipment from the DEXLab. It's available for in-lab use, subject to availability, but cannot be removed without special permission.


For field studies or usage outside of the DEXLab, you can use the equipment lending form. Keep in mind that the equipment is intended primarily for experiments or digital breakout sessions.


Users are responsible for the equipment's care and must report any damages to the lab manager. 


Our Equipment

What digital technologies does the DEXLab offer? 

The DEXLab at Maastricht University offers a variety of digital technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (XR), service robots, and neuroscientific tools such as eye-tracking, galvanic-skin-response, or facial analysis.


These technologies are used to enhance research and education, offering opportunities for innovative learning and collaboration.


Besides that, we also have laptops and iPads that can be used in experiments or for conducting surveys.   


Our Equipment

How can DEXLab's equipment and research activities help me in my academic journey? 

Utilizing DEXLab's equipment and facilities can significantly enhance your academic journey.


The lab offers access to advanced technologies like VR and AR, providing hands-on experience that is invaluable in various fields.


It's an ideal environment for conducting experimental research, especially in studying human behavior. The lab also supports educational activities and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, which is crucial for academic and professional development.


Additionally, attending workshops and training sessions at DEXLab can broaden your skill set and knowledge base. 


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I am a professional, can I conduct a workshop with my team using your equipment and facilities? 

At DEXLab, we are thrilled to offer workshops that allow professionals and their teams to delve into the world of emerging technologies like Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR), service robots, and generative AI.


These workshops, led by our expert faculty comprising world-leading academics in various fields, provide an in-depth understanding of how these technologies are reshaping industries and society. Participants will not only learn about the applications and transformative power of these technologies but also explore their potential to drive innovation and growth within their organizations.  


For those interested in participating or learning more, we encourage reaching out to us at for further details and opportunities. 


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How can I book the DEXLab

To book the DEXLab for an experiment or digital breakout session, start by familiarizing yourself with the lab's guidelines to ensure you understand all the necessary procedures. For experiments, consider seeking ethical approval, though this is optional.  


  • Checking Lab Availability: Use the Resource Booker platform to view available dates and times for the DEXLab


  • Selecting Your Activity: Clearly specify your activity type when booking to facilitate efficient scheduling. 


  • Submitting Required Forms: Attach the necessary forms - “Experiment Application Form” and “Equipment Disclaimer Form” for experiments, and only the latter for other activities. 


  • Be Mindful of Timing Challenges: Consider the availability of student participants, especially during vacations and exam periods. 


  • Final Steps: After following these steps, your request will be reviewed and confirmed upon meeting all requirements. 


  • Preparation and Cancellation Policies: Ensure your experimental design is complete and ethically approved before booking. Avoid frequent cancellations. 

Can I also get access to the DEXLab’s software premiums? 

Yes, DEXLab offers staff access to premium software tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Doodle, and Canva Pro for enhancing academic and research projects.


To utilize these resources: Send an email request to detailing the specific software you need, the duration of use, and the purpose it will serve.


Requests will be assessed based on availability and the software’s applicability to your project. Approved users will receive guidance for software access and any necessary support. 

I’m a student at Maastricht University. How to integrate digital technologies into my courses? 

Integrating digital technologies into your courses involves several steps. Start by understanding the range of technologies available.


Define how these can be used in your courses, aligning them with your educational objectives. You need to book the lab well in advance and design your session to make optimal use of the chosen technology.


During the session, guide your students through the activities and follow the DEXLab guidelines to ensure a smooth experience. Afterward, gather feedback to assess the session's impact and effectiveness.  


The DEXLab staff can advise and train you and your teaching staff in advance, but does not serve as teaching staff.  


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Can I do my (thesis) internship with DEXLab

For a thesis internship at DEXLab, you should initially consult with your thesis supervisor to align your research interests with the lab's capabilities.


Following this, please contact the DEXLab administrators or the lab manager to obtain detailed information and determine the feasibility of your proposed project. This applies to both general internships and the Business Engineering Thesis Research Project (TRP). 


If you're interested in exploring other internship opportunities at DEXLab, such as those related to technology management, digital innovation, or any specific project you have in mind, feel free to reach out directly to us at We welcome discussions about the possibilities and are keen to support enthusiastic learners in their professional growth. 

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Maastricht University
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DEXLab - Tapijnkazerne 11 (I1.017), 6211 ME Maastricht

© 2024 DEXLab |  Photos by Nils Backes

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